Bold thinking and acting,

to rebuild our world

Are you feeling lost and uncertain about the future of our world?  Helpless about wars and conflicts, pandemics, economic inequality, geopolitical uncertainty, increasing polarisation and the massive failures of leadership at a global scale?


Are you feeling angry and alone in your quest for social justice?  If you’re in business or government, do you feel a responsibility to build a better future for your people? As an individual, do you wish that there was more that you could do?

The dramatic events of the past few years have upended all of our certainties about how the world functions and our place in it.   There is a fundamental questioning of the status quo and an anger and frustration that those in charge are incompetent at leadership.   There is also an awareness that power is shifting, that new players are entering the world stage and that the very ground is shifting beneath our feet.  And there is also an absolute certainty that we can’t leave the future of humanity in the hands of corrupt governments and corporations.

Bold thinking

We need a whole new way of thinking and acting in our world.  In an age of deep disruption, we need to restore our humanity.  To make our world a safer, more prosperous, fairer and more beautiful place for us all.  We need leaders of integrity, humanity and accountability with a boldness and a courage, the confidence and commitment, to action that is compelled by a true understanding of what it means to enable human flourishing, ensuring equality, fairness and justice for all.


There is so much at stake, to ensure our world can recover from the shocks it has experienced, to face up to the risks of the future, and to move forward with radical new ways of thinking that disrupt the status quo and ensure we can create a more promising future for us all together.   

We need to rebuild our world. 

Speaking, consulting and thought-leadership on the most challenging issues of our time

Global governance and Systems Change

China and the Emerging World

The Role of Europe

Being human in the age of AI

Leading with Purpose

Empowering Potential and Enabling Human Flourishing

Diversity of thought and Social Inclusion

Arts, Culture and Creativity

Education and Skills for the 21st Century

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Women’s Empowerment and Feminine Leadership

Migration, Mobility and Movement

Love, Marriage and Parenting

Spirituality and Transformative Leadership

Living through Love not Fear


Caroline Watson is an award-winning visionary and entrepreneurial leader who first came to attention with her work in China with Hua Dan, where she built a social purpose organisation from scratch, at the coal face of China’s huge transition to a modern economy, transforming the lives of over 32,000 men, women and children across the country.


Not for her a vision of China from the air-conditioned corporate offices of Chaoyang, being chauffeured around the city.  But working shoulder to shoulder, alongside some of the millions of migrant women and children moving to the city in search of economic opportunity and a brighter future for themselves and their families.  Leadership of integrity, from the coal face, building together with those whose lives are most affected by the decisions made in the hallowed corridors of power.  Leadership grounded in humanity.


Born in Hong Kong of British parents and having now lived and worked all over the world, with a passion for supporting leadership in emerging and transition economies, Caroline strongly believes that we need new ways of thinking, not just about our shared past, but about our individual and collective futures.   And she believes that bold and disruptive thinking goes hand in hand with concrete and grounded action.

Young Global Leader

Caroline has won multiple awards for her work across the world and is notably a member of the prestigious Forum of Young Global Leader’s at the World Economic Forum. This honour has given her unparalleled access to world leaders across all areas of business, government, academia and civil society and a seat at the table at some of the highest-level discussions and actions about the state of our world.  But it has also highlighted to her the disconnect of the global elite from ordinary people whose lives their decisions affect, and the poverty of thinking and moral courage at leadership level that fails to address our most systemic challenges in sufficiently bold, human-centered and visionary ways.

Caroline is also a fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts where she is launching a project on rethinking global governance. She is also an active shaper and contributor to their Design for Life initiative, bringing positive change to our world.

Caroline has spoken on the stages of Davos, studied at Harvard, Yale, Oxford and INSEAD and speaks multiple languages including English, Chinese, French, Spanish and Arabic.

Caroline speaking on the stage at the World Economic Forum in Istanbul

Watch Caroline’s TED talk

Read Caroline’s full bio here


Award-winning entrepreneur and social change agent


Caroline is an award-winning entrepreneur with a background in using arts and theatre-based approaches to learning and education.  Her first enterprise, the Beijing-based Hua Dan, was bootstrapped when Caroline was barely out of university yet went on to affect the lives of over 32,000 women and children across China, winning her the prestigious Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum award.

Caroline subsequently went on to build a scaleable model for using arts-based approaches to training and development with other marginalised groups across the world, through the US and UK-based Scheherazade Initiatives.  Harnessing technology through innovative micro-learning, in-person peer-to-peer training workshops, and breakthrough financing models, Scheherazade is on a mission to be the ‘Grameen Bank’ of participatory learning and arts-based approaches to social change, through the empowerment of grassroots leaders around the world.

The success of Caroline’s work in emerging markets has lead to multiple invitations to train leaders at all levels of government, business, academia and civil society through The Centre for the Arts and Global Leadership, a for-profit company based in Europe, that seeks to empower the ‘higher order’ leadership of current and future leaders through participation in arts-based and creative education.

Clos de Gaye, an initiative of The Centre for the Arts and Global Leadership, is a stunning retreat space and social entrepreneurial incubation hub in south west France, for artists and creative leaders from across the world to come together with others in education and learning programmes, summits, festivals, workshops and performances, to build a better world.



A key-note speaker unlike any other


With a background in the performing arts coupled with a vigorous and enquiring mind, Caroline is a brilliant and visionary speaker, who brings to her talks not just an informed and intellectual understanding of the problems our world is facing, but with dynamic content that is guaranteed to move and inspire you at a profound level and have you leaping from your seat, ready to change the world!


Caroline’s key note speech, ‘Higher order leadership in a world of disruption’, is based on her personal story of building China’s first non-profit dedicated to using the arts and creativity to develop leadership skills at the bottom of China’s economic pyramid, with migrant women at the centre of China’s industrial transformation and rise to power.  With lived experience on the most challenging geopolitical relationship of our time, Caroline’s unique insights into the reality of what China’s rise means for the world, at the coal face of one of the greatest economic and social transitions of recent times and it’s implications for global leadership, make her a leader of authenticity and integrity. And it makes her an inspiring and authoritative speaker on the state of global governance and leadership today. 


Caroline’s journey since leaving China, and subsequent years of living in Europe, continuing to work in Asia, North America, and the Middle East, have helped shape her thinking on what it means to move towards a truly multi-polar world, challenging existing structures of power and emerging into new possibilities of collaboration with diverse actors across the world. 


Caroline believes that the current geopolitical crisis is an opportunity to reshape our world in far better ways than we can yet imagine.

A deep and substantial thinker, Caroline believes we need radical new solutions to our current crises, that put humanity at the centre of all of our actions.

Caroline is on a mission to use her speaking, consulting and thought-leadership to improve the quality of leadership we have today, radically rethink our global governance structures and support the flourishing of people and planet in more significant ways.

Consulting and Advisory


High-level consulting to business, government and civil society.


Are you looking for new ways of thinking about the challenges we are facing in the world today? Are you a business or government department looking for innovative thinking to solve some of our most intractable problems? Are you concerned that traditional consultancy projects are too technical or ‘top down’ and lack the human touch needed to bring about effective change? Are you working in an emerging market and feel training and advisory is still too ‘colonial’ in it’s approach? Or do you perhaps  need some support to galvanise a movement or social justice initiative?  Or are you looking for fresh perspectives for your board of directors to 10X your strategy and operations and therefore your profits?


Caroline is a highly-sought after consultant, advisor and board member, to C-suite executives, government leaders and civil society organisations.  Her knowledge and experience of the emerging world and countries in transition gives her a strong understanding of the geopolitical forces at play as organisations seek to globalise, whilst also needing to balance the needs of ordinary people concerned with local issues.  Fundamentally, she believes consultancy needs to start from the standpoint of what people already know, rather than a top-down, colonial approach to knowledge and wisdom.


This ability to balance the local with the global is a hallmark of Caroline’s leadership, and reflects her belief that for leadership to have authenticity and integrity, it must care deeply about the lives of ordinary people who make up the bulk of our global population.  She believes that to be a truly ‘global’ person means to be at once at ease with working internationally as it does to be a bigger picture thinker in how we work in our local communities too.


Her deep scepticism about consultancy that sweeps in with opinions and viewpoints delivered ‘from on high’, with little or no consultation with ordinary people whose lives are affected by the impact of a consultant’s work, has deeply shaped her own offer which seeks to marry the best of a coaching/mentoring approach, with supporting and empowering grassroots leaders to make their own changes with what works best for them.  This is particularly important in countries and communities that have experienced ‘top down’ leadership, or are experiencing the negative legacies of colonial thinking, that is no longer appropriate for today’s world.


Caroline has a particular passion for working in emerging markets and countries or communities in transition.  Whether it’s helping to support the ministerial team of a government in the Middle East, coaching and mentoring leaders in Africa, sharing her lessons in leadership with college graduates in the US, or enabling those in Europe to understand their place in a multi-polar world, Caroline brings unique insights, freshness and inspiration, and practical tools to your team in whatever endeavour they are working on.


But more fundamentally, Caroline’s consultancy is about building trust, developing cultures that support gentle and fearless transitions to cope with a changing world (not just ‘change management’) and giving people the confidence in their own way of doing things to move forward. It is not advice given from ‘on high’ but working shoulder to shoulder with those at the coal face of the problem, and supporting and empowering their leadership, recognising that they know best how to solve their own problems.


Caroline’s belief in the importance of taking consulting and advisory to action is further underpinned by the opportunity for your teams to take part in inspirational leadership development programmes through The Centre for the Arts and Global Leadership, and at our retreat space Clos de Gaye in south west France, to accompany specific and measurable actions needed from the consultancy. 


Supporting, shaping and inspiring you on your leadership journey


Caroline works with a select number of global leaders each year, in exclusive one-to-one coaching sessions, to support high-potential leaders step up to their next level of leadership.  Using her own experience as a grassroots entrepreneur and global leader, Caroline can help you develop the courage and confidence to inspire and empower not just your own teams, but also to ‘lead upwards’ to get buy-in to projects, fundraise or seek investment for large scale projects and programmes.  Caroline is also able to support you in in better managing your work life balance, balance work and family responsibilities, reframing and supporting a more purpose-driven vision to your career, and supporting you on every stage of your leadership journey as you transition to having a bigger impact in the world.


Disruptive thinking and bold ideas to rebuild our world

Caroline is an accomplished writer and deep-thinker, based on her lived experience of the real issues at stake and all of which underpin her speaking and consulting work.  Topics include:

·      Global governance and systems-change

·       China and the emerging world

·       Being human in the age of AI

·      Diversity of thought and social inclusion

·      Arts, culture, and creativity

·       Education and learning for the 21st century

·       Innovation and entrepreneurship

·       Feminine leadership

·      Migration, mobility and movement

·       Love, marriage and parenting

·      Spirituality and transformative leadership

·       Living through Love not Fear

Thought Leadership