Coaching and Mentoring

It’s a lonely job being a leader.  Sometimes we all need a little extra support, a sounding board to go to when it’s hard to navigate the upper echelon’s of power.  We often need the encouragement of those who have been through similar experiences and to refresh our capacities at leading both our teams but also those who are ‘upstream’ and need to be sold on our vision.  We may need help in improving our communication skills to fundraise, seek investment in large-scale projects or to win an election.  We may also need a reminder on how to balance our work passions with our desire to also have a happy and balanced home life too.

Coaching and Mentoring

Supporting, shaping and inspiring you on your leadership journey


As an award-winning serial entrepreneur and a member of the prestigious Young Global Leaders community of the World Economic Forum, Caroline knows leadership from the inside out.  From starting her first enterprise in China in her early twenties, to now running multiple companies across the world, Caroline is no stranger to the challenges and opportunities that leaders face as they progress forward on their own individual journeys.

Caroline works with a select number of global leaders each year, in exclusive one-to-one coaching sessions, to support high-potential leaders step up to their next level of leadership.  Using her own experience as a grassroots entrepreneur and global leader, Caroline can help you develop the courage and confidence to inspire and empower not just your own teams, but also to ‘lead upwards’ to get buy-in to projects, fundraise or seek investment for large scale projects and programmes. 

Caroline is also able to support you in in better managing your work life balance, balance work and family responsibilities, reframing and supporting a more purpose-driven vision to your career, and supporting you on every stage of your leadership journey as you transition to having a bigger impact in the world. 

Coaching is typically done remotely, via Zoom, but can also be done on site or on retreat at Clos de Gaye, the retreat centre Caroline runs in south west France.

Caroline typically works with high-end leaders in business or government but she also offers a small number of opportunities for mid-level or emerging leaders, a few of which she offers pro bono or for a reduced fee, in order to support the next generation of leadership.

Case study

In week-long coaching sessions spread out over several months, Caroline supported a young leader in Africa who had been charged with overseeing the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund for his country, with a focus on the energy transition and the protection and management of biodiversity.  Caroline supported the leader to develop the confidence to lead the Prime Minster with whom he worked closely, to get buy-in for large-scale projects, and to have the communication and presentation skills to lead large numbers of people with little or no previous experience.  The coaching succeeded in the approval of significant financial investment in the project and laid the foundation for a renewed self-confidence in what the leader was capable of.

  • “The first step is awareness …. to be aware of the power of the words …. the power of communication. I feel, I notice now, how people notice and express their ideas. If I go to meetings, I notice how people tell their stories. The power of presence. I am now more aware of how I sit, my breathing .... How to make leading ..... practical, it’s being rather than doing. I now understand my boss differently. I now lead as a queen”

    Past coachee, UAE

Reach out to inquire about Caroline’s services